Choosing a grill pan!
Tired of monotonous dishes? Grill pan can help you bring cooking to a new level! Steaks from meat, poultry or fish will turn out juicy, grilled vegetables will retain their freshness and all useful properties, and thanks to the ribbed surface, the excess fat will not fall on the plate, it will simply remain in the pan. Beautiful stripes formed during frying will decorate any dish and make it very appetizing.We have prepared for you a review of several pans:
2. Cast-iron grill pan with a wooden handle (23x4 cm, Art. 4095)This pan also conducts heat well, so it is ideal for stewing, soaking, and cooking on all types of cookers. Due to the fact that the handle is not removed, it can not be used in the oven and on an open fire, unlike the previous pan. However, the wooden handle does not heat up, so you will not need tacks. It is equipped with a ribbed bottom, so that your food will get a beautiful picture. Before first use, it is also necessary to ignite it with oil to create a non-stick layer. It is also quite heavy and cannot be washed in the dishwasher.
3. Square frying pan-grill GRAY STONE 28x4.3 cm (aluminum, Art. 4978)
This frying pan made of aluminum with a non-stick coating made of natural stone powder has an induction bottom. This means that the heat will be distributed as evenly as possible, so that the food will cook faster. Suitable for cooking on all types of stoves. The advantage of aluminum frying pans is that they do not need to be prepared for use, you can proceed to cooking immediately after purchase. Unlike cast iron frying pans, it is quite light. It is equipped with a bakelite handle, so you will not need tacks. Wear resistance - 4000 cycles. When cooking in this pan, it is recommended to use silicone or wooden devices. Can be washed in the dishwasher.
4. Square frying pan-grill REBUSTO 24x4 cm (aluminum, Art. 4230)
Also made of aluminum with non-stick coating of natural stone chips and equipped with an induction bottom. This means that the heat will be distributed as evenly as possible, so that the food will cook faster. It is also quite light. Equipped with a removable bakelite handle, therefore suitable for cooking on all types of stoves, as well as in the oven. Wear resistance - 4000 cycles. When cooking in this pan, it is recommended to use silicone or wooden devices. Can be washed in the dishwasher.
As you can see, each grill pan has its own advantages, and only you can choose which one is better suited to your needs. One thing is invariable - by purchasing a grill pan, at any time you can cook food at a restaurant level at home!
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